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7 Benefits of Mindfulness 🧘‍♀️

7 Benefits of Mindfulness 🧘‍♀️ - LUNA MICROCARE®
Caring for yourself and those around you has become the most important priority of modern-day life. Now more than ever, we have the right tools and opportunities to recover our inner balance, reconnect with ourselves, and discover new ways to feel better. Mindfulness is an incredible practice to help you regain that sense of serenity that we all crave, and to help us face moments of uncertainty with a positive attitude.

Besides, science, and the many millions of people who adopt mindful living, confirm it – you can experience an abundance of benefits from taking up the practice of Mindfulness. Read more about these benefits below.

The effectiveness of mindfulness to fight stress and anxiety has been widely studied and validated. Mindfulness techniques such as breathing exercises and meditations, help to minimise the physiological response of our bodies in dealing with stress. Our heart rate slows down and cortisol levels reduce (the hormone that is released in stressful situations). Furthermore, the state of calmness induced by mindfulness techniques also facilitates better sleep.


Some initial tests and studies have confirmed the positive influence of mindfulness on the body’s immune response. Include mindfulness in your daily routine, along with a balanced and nutritious diet, and physical exercise, to feel stronger than ever before.

MRI’s show that regular mindfulness practices are associated with structural changes in the brain. Mindfulness not only increases the size of the brain, but also improves grey matter density, related to better information processing – and eliminating brain fog. In addition, mindfulness helps reduce the brain waves that influence us to feel fearful and judgmental while increasing waves that boost tranquillity and good moods.


Nowadays, one of the greatest factors in anti-aging tactics is preventing stress. There are studies that show that those who practice mindfulness have longer telomeres. These cellular compounds are one of the main biomarkers of aging: the longer they are, the younger our cells are.

Working from home? Trying a new hobby? Starting an online course? Mindfulness improves your focus, and also boosts memory and creativity! When you practice mindfulness on a regular basis, you gain mental clarity. Mindfulness trains your capacity of attention and teaches you to be in the present, which is enormously beneficial to your intellectual performance.


Saying that this technique makes you a better person may sound like an overstatement, but reality says otherwise. Researchers have found that people who practice mindfulness score higher in compassion, kindness, and empathy. Opening yourself up to daily mindfulness practices also allows for a clearer and renewed perspective, and what better time to cultivate these skills than right now?  

One way to practice mindfulness is to savour the small moments that bring you joy while learning to appreciate them with gratitude. With this and other exercises, mindfulness will make you gain emotional stability, tolerance, and energy. You will become more aware of yourself and learn to detect — and redirect — any negative thought patterns. In short, your attitude toward difficulties will be much calmer, composed, positive and serene.

At IB Labs, we discovered the benefits of mindfulness a long time ago; that is why we created Luna Microcare® Series.
MOST RELEVANT RESOURCES: Elissa Epel, et alt.: “Can meditation slow rate of cellular aging? Cognitive stress, mindfulness, and telomeres”. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; 2009 Aug; 1172:34-53

Britta K. Hözel, Sara W. Lazar et alt.: “Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density”. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging; Volume 191, Issue 1, 30 January 2011; Pages 36-43

Marta Alda, Javier Garcia-Campayo et alt.: “Zen meditation, Length of Telomeres, and the Role of Experiential Avoidance and Compassion”. Mindfulness (NY); 2016, 7: 651–659

David S. Black and George M. Slavich: “Mindfulness meditation and the immune system: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials”. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; 2016 Jun; 1373(1): 13–24.

Kelly Birtwell et alt.: “An Exploration of Formal and Informal Mindfulness Practice and Associations with Wellbeing”. Mindfulness (NY); 2019; 10(1): 89–99